Trust. Experience. Integrity.

Serving North Dakotans And Their Businesses.

Municipal Law

Nyhus Law Firm represents several cities and other political subdivisions in central North Dakota. We also represent individuals who have issues with other cities.

Zoning Ordinances

Zoning ordinances control what can and cannot be done on a person’s property. They are used by municipalities to control development, and restrict certain activities to a certain area, or to exclude them completely. The attorneys at Nyhus Law Firm have drafted zoning ordinances for cities and townships, and we have represented clients who are impacted by their restrictions.

Special Assessments

No one likes to receive a notice that a municipality or other political subdivision is making special assessments against their property to pay for infrastructure and improvements. Since all real property is unique, there are often inequities that result from a proposed special assessment that can be challenged.

If you receive a notice that specials are going to be assessed against your property, there is only a limited window of time to object to it. The attorneys at Nyhus Law Firm can help work to ensure that your special assessments are fair and correct.

Contact Us

The attorneys at Nyhus Law Firm can help with a wide range of matters involving municipalities and municipal law. We work with clients throughout North Dakota. Call our Bismarck office at (701) 751-2262 or fill out our online contact form to make an appointment.